Rabu, 11 April 2012

V'Noodle Ice

Pannnaaasss...!!! Udara Bandung sekarang udh ga seadem dulu (katanya). Siangan dikit matahari udah nyebrot gitu aja *roaming bahasa* :p. Siang siang, panas panas, enaknya makan apa ya? Hmm, yang seger-seger manis asem gitu gimana? Kaya yang satu ini. V'Noodle Ice. Komposisi dasarnya terbuat dari jelly dengan bentuk yang beragam mirip mie bakso gitu. Ditambah air es campuran syrup yang bisa dipilih sendiri rasanya, butiran-butiran selasih, strawberry, anggur dan tambahan topping yang bisa pilih sendiri. Rasanya? Beuuuh jangan ditanya, udah pasti bikin siang kamu yang panas jadi nyeeeesss aaahhh :9...

Mie jelly & Telor jelly, nice yes?
Kiwi Ice Noodle with Lychees Topping

Lychee Noodle Ice with Litchi Topping
Ngiler? Langsung dateng aja ke BEC Foodcourt Bandung, tepatnya ada di lantai 3 sebelah counter Bakso Malang Cipaganti. Harga/porsi nya Rp 15.000 aja udah termasuk satu macem topping. Buruan... bentuk setiap jelly nya yang unyu bikin suasana makan gak boring, hhihihi. Btw ada jelly bentuk bakso nya loh. Klo dikunyah agak empuk-empuk renyah keyal gitu hahaha, unik banget lah rasanya! Sayang lupa dicapture saking fun nya makan Ice Noodle ini :)

Selasa, 10 April 2012

Insya Allah. Someday, I will...

Long time no posting. Collage student activity really waste my time! <-- Belagak mahasiswa, hahaha...
Facing my path everyday and wishing could tell you soon, but hap! I have many tasks to do -_-". It happens every time I went to my PC. But wohooo, tonight I'm with you...!!! :)))

Dream. Everyone has their own dream, so do I. I have lots of dreams! In this case I will tell you one of them :D. Yap! I have many place that I want visit. Imagine that you're the player when watching movie or reading a books make you wanna visit the location for real!!!

And this is 4 place that i want visit most. Lets traveling...

The 4th is Dubai...

The Palem Jumeirah
 Dubai. There is no word fit to describe it except "WONDROUS"...!!! There are many luxury hotels and buildings with first class facilities here! You have to ready for sparkling, criiiiiiiiiing :D. 

3th is China -,- 

Hello Kitty Theme park

 Aaaaaa....!!! I'm a kitty freak! Hunter of kitty stuffs! And now i want the kitty bracelet sooo much! There is one online store who sale it, and do you know where is it? Yea, China! I prefer to go there than buy it use dollar -"-. Waiting for mommy dear, I'll take you home as soon as possible :') Yea, your friends too :D And maybe playing in the Hello Kitty Theme Park too! \^_^/

2nd is Korea

Istana Gyeongbokgung

Jeju Island
 Koreeaaa...!!! Yea like an other people nowadays who infected by drama fever! Hahaha, there are many romantic place here. Especially in Seoul, South Korea. I wanna visit the Gyeongbokgung Castle, location of Princess Hours Korean Drama, my favorite one ever! Also the Jeju Island. Sssttt I plan to there in my honeymoon, isn't it really really really romantic? *melting* Take me there, pleeaaaseeee....
Jeju Island, The Island of Love, The Pearl of Korea :*

And The 1th is, Paris!

Eiffel, we're in Love!

Grande Mosquee de Paris
I just read a book "99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa" Novel Islami Best Seller by Hanum Rais. What do you think about "Europe"? Eiffel? Colosseum? San Siro? Or the Berlin wall? For me, Europe is a million mysteries. And Paris is already and still, the place that stole my heart from the very first time. J'attends, Paris!

It's my dream. What's yours? Tell me anyway :)